Live Nativity 2020

Join us this year in continuing the tradition of the Live Nativity at WCBC. Plan to drive through the displays on Friday, Saturday or Sunday evenings between 6 to 8 p.m. December 18th, 19th, and 20th.

Please note the following changes this year: To preserve the cherished and authentic atmosphere of the nativity, we will be asking people to NOT wear a mask while they are outdoors portraying a character. To facilitate a safe environment, we are requesting people to sign up in households groups for the angels as well as the Mary & Joseph characters. Wisemen & shepherds can safely distance outdoors without masking.

Volunteers are needed to play parts, kitchen help and help with costume changes. Sign-up sheets for live characters are located on the Communications Table. Or feel free to call and we can find a spot to add you and/or your family to the list. Call Eldon @815-878-5738 or Nathan @815-719-3058.

Keep your family tradition or start a new one by driving or walking through this years Live Nativity Event at Walnut Community Bible Church.