Isaac vs Adam

Isaac vs Adam

Passage: Genesis 15:6, Genesis 12, Genesis 17:1-23, Genesis 21:6-7, Genesis 22:1-18, John3:16, 2 Chronicles 3:1, Genesis 22:3-5, Isaiah 53:4-7 Romans 10
Service Type:

In this sermon we look at Isaac as a person and Israel as a nation and see a picture of the Christ and his ultimate plan of redemption.

We start with a review of Abraham's story and remember how his belief is credited for righteousness and see his believe led to obedience to God's commands. His obedience also segues to the picture of Isaac's life as a foreshadowing of the Christ. As we read through the story of Isaac we can see Isaac as the one and only beloved son, we see his own obedience to his father--obedience even to death, his being offered as a sacrifice, even to his carrying his own wood for the sacrifice to Mount Moriah. The story expands to not just include Isaac but the entire nation of Israel as the plan unfolds.