Abraham vs. Adam

Abraham vs. Adam

Passage: Luke 17:1-6, Genesis 1:28-30, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 11, Genesis 12:1-3,7 Genesis 24:1, Genesis 26:3-4 Genesis 13:14-17, Genesis15:1-7,17-18, Genesis 17:15-16, Galatians 3:15-29
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Wonder why it matters to study the life Adam and Noah and Abraham? Looking at the pieces of the Bible can increase our faith.  We need to be grounded in the truth from God's word. Looking back at His plans fulfilled producing confidence in us that we can trust His plan for our future.
The 3 connections we will look at today from Abraham will point us to Adam and Eve and ultimately to Christ; The 3 are the blessing, the seed and the land. Interestingly the land represent relationship like your house represents home and the relationships of those in your home. The desire is that God wants to dwell with us.
Abraham is the typology of Christ as the father of all who believe.