Promise of Eternal Life

Promise of Eternal Life

Passage: Matthew 5:33-37, Hebrews 6:13-18, 2 Timothy, 2 Peter, Hebrews 9:14-15, 1 John 2:25, John 3:16n John 5:24-27, John 6:47-51, John 10: 25-30, John 11:25-26, John 14:1-4, Psalms 23:1-6, Psalm 37:18, Psalms 49:15, Romans 8:28
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When we look at promises we as humans have limitations that make keeping our promises challenging.

We dont know the future. We can only make promises based on current conditions. We base promises on our own capabilities. But reality in I can do nothing on my own. We make promise on the assumption we have a future. Yet we don't have a guaranteed tomorrow.

God, however, is more than able to fulfill his promises. He knows the future, is more than able, and will exist for all eternity. Today, we look at the promise God offers of eternal life. Interestingly enough, eternal life is not optional; our lives will continue being spent eternally with God or eternally separated from God.