Is Doubt Always Bad?

Is Doubt Always Bad?

Passage: Matthew 19:13-15, John 20:24-29
Service Type:

In this introductory message to the Room for Doubt series we look at what doubt is and its origins. We all know that a coin has two sides but what do you call a coin balanced on its edge? Belief and disbelief are like two sides of the same coin and doubt can be described as a coin on its edge. Doubt is the recognition of not knowing what to believe where disbelief is the willful rejection, a choice. Jesus tends to confront doubts and force a choice. Thomas and John the Baptist both experienced doubts. Learn how the Christ stepped into their doubts and brought them to belief.

NOTE:  Just before 37 minutes, the recording stops for 2 or 3 minutes, and then turns back on. Not sure what the technical difficulties were but wanted to let people know.