Be an Encourager
Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:11-22, Acts 4:32, Acts 9:26-27, Acts 10, Acts 11:19-26, Acts 15:39 | Speaker: Eldon Cook | Series: Lessons from Thessalonians | Through the life of Joseph, better known as Barnabas, we begin to understand what it means to live a life of encouragement. While 1 Thessalonians instructs the church to be encouraging one another, Barnabas shows us how a life of encouragement looks. As we follow Barnabas through the Acts, we see him in Acts 4 encouraging the church through a financial gift where he gives of his resources.In Acts 9 we see him giving time to encourage a new believer, Paul, because Barnabas chose to look beyond the mistakes and see the potential in another. Barnabas then reaches out to the Gentiles in Acts 10 and in Acts 11 you find him showing acceptance and encouraging the Gentiles in the faith. His encouragement continues as he seeks restoration for John Mark in Acts 15. Follow this path of encouragement and learn how you can be encouraging to other believers in the days ahead.