Noah vs. Adam

Noah vs. Adam

Passage: Genesis 1:1, 26-30; Genesis 2:9, 18-20; Genesis 3:6-7, 14-16, 21, 28; Genesis 6: 5-18, Genesis 7:6; Genesis 8:1; Genesis 9:1-3,8,20-26; Romans 8:28-29; 1 Corinthians 15:45-49; 2 Corinthians 3:18
Service Type:

We started a new sermon series as we transitioned to the outdoor services at WCBC. The first sermon didn't get recorded correctly in audio format. But we looked at the first Adam and the second Adam, Christ.

In this message we will look at Noah as a typology of Adam and see how the pattern of his life points us to Christ and redemption. Come with us as we skim through a bit of Genesis looking at the animals,waters, gardening, nakedness leading to covering, curses and blessings.

You will be left with the challenge to be like an icon for the Christ.

"Homework" was assigned as Eldon has asked us to be looking over the life of Abraham in preparation for Sunday. The Call of Abraham starts in Genesis 12.