The Lord is my Rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my Rock in whom I take refuge. -Psalms 18:2
The Rock is a WCBC building vision. The Rock would create opportunities for the people of our community to employ their God-given gifts and talents through sports, theater, concerts, receptions, and other group focused activities. Our aim is to create an environment in which Christ-centered relationships can be developed, and to create a safe place in our community for the youth to gather and grow.
Today at the Rock
The Rock is now open each morning beginning at 5:30AM for people who would like to come in and walk. Several are already taking advantage of this opportunity. Please enter through the double doors that face the church.
In the Next Phase of the Rock, we would love to finish flooring in the gym and lobby areas. The total amount needed for this project is about $65,000 with our current remaining need at $22,500.






Some potential activities we foresee this building being used for:
- Sporting Events/Tournaments
- After School Programs
- Family Movie Nights
- Group Classes: Pottery, Fitness, CPR, Hunter Safety, etc.
- Youth Group Activities
- Wedding Receptions
- Funeral Dinners
- WiFi Cafe
- Other activities you suggest
Would you like to help as The Rock becomes a reality? To volunteer, ask questions, or give a gift towards this project. Contact the church office @ 815.379.2645 or by email at