This semester, Fall 2019, Kool Kids has expanded beyond the church doors. You can now find Kool Kids after school each day at Bureau Valley North Grade school. Kids meet up after school in the gym for fun games and activities. Later they will move to the cafeteria for snacks. Parents can pick up their students from the cafeteria at the end of the day.
On full school days Kool Kids meets from 3:00 to 5:30 pm.
On half days the hours change from 11:30 to 5:30 p.m. and includes lunch.
Kool Kids is a ministry of WCBC and combines faith and fun. The kids enjoy various activities like playing board games, coloring, nature walks, playing in the gym or out on the playground depending on weather.
Each day includes a Bible story and we are impressed by how much the kids are learning and the questions they are able to answer about the Bible stories.
Your child can plan to have a snack each day at Kool Kids. We end the afternoon with homework and study time where adult help is available when needed.