We are excited to bring back our annual Junior High Lock-in to kick off Spring Break this March. In neon shirts and glow sticks we will be the “Light in the Dark” under the black lights at this glow-in-the-dark party.
Friday, March 25th @ 9:00 pm through Saturday, March 26th @ 7:00 am
Maximize your fun by inviting your friends!
Register early to order your neon shirt for Lock-in 2022
Junior Highers: Bring your friends to enjoy games, snacks, speakers and a whole new obstacle course. Various activities throughout the night will keep you engaged and laughing. You won’t believe how fast the night flies while you’re having fun. In the morning only one team will be victorious but all will have had a blast.
Parents: Kids won’t need pillows or jammies. This is an all night event that keeps kids busy on a tight schedule of Big Games, Theater, Short Devotionals, Snacks, and more. We will have snack breaks throughout the night as well as a dinner just after midnight. Morning will end with one more run through the obstacle course and a pancake breakfast. Pick-up is at 7 a.m.