God’s Path for Our Lives Discussion Questions 5-31-2020

We hope that our church body will continue in breakout style discussion over the phone and in other creative ways as well.  Eldon has provided small group questions to facilitate the post sermon discussions. Even though we are choosing to social distance, we sincerely hope that we can be spiritually near to one another.

  1.  Reread Psalm 25:4-5.  Twice in this passage the NIV uses the word “teach”.  Give an example of how God has taught you his paths and his truth.
  2. What significant “detours” have you had in your life?  How did you experience God’s faithfulness in that time?
  3. Have you experienced “leanings” and “impressions” like Pastor Brett read about?  How did God lead you through His Spirit?

He has showed youO man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8