Currently, the church library has been relocated into three different spaces in our church building. While this arrangement is a little inconvenient, we have accomplished our goal to keep the resources of the church library available while we anticipate the completion of The Rock.
If you need help locating a resource whether upstairs or downstairs, please reach out by email to Emily at Feel free to request items by email during the week or in-person on Sundays.
Regular attendees at WCBC are encouraged to borrow whatever items they need from the library and return items to the Red Basket in the foyer at their convenience.

Church Foyer: In the church foyer near the offices you will find a nice collection of books from the Library. Selection includes Christian Biography, Marriage, Devotionals, Christian Fiction, Biblical Resources, as well as, Group Bible Study Workbooks & DVDs.

Feel free to browse before or after services or come in during the week.
Upstairs Landing: At the top of the stairs, you will find not only a comfortable couch to relax in, you will find Children’s Books and DVDs as well as Teen Books, Teen Group Bible Studies, Parenting & Family as well as Teaching Resources for children through teen ministry.

Don’t hesitate to grab a children’s book to read or a video to take home.
Junior High Room: If you head upstairs, go through door three, continuing down the short hall, take the first door on the right to find more books. On the narrow bookcase you will find Christian Fiction, Missions, Prophecy & End Times as well as Biblical Resources. On the wider bookcase, you will find Christian Living organized by author, DVDs, Group Bible Study Resources, Bibles, and Song Books.

If you can’t make it upstairs, no problem. Ask Emily and she can grab a book or DVD for you based on the subject, title, or author you are looking for.